各位家长同学们,CCS春季学期12/11/2021正式开始注册啦! 所有秋季注册课程将自动注册到春季学期,如账号内已注册课程需要换课、退款,以及新生注册请发送邮件通知到[email protected]。 春季学期亮点: CCS 乒乓球团体课招新!
新增3D Modeling 3D printing课,朗诵课程,具体时间和安排将单独通知 Debate、Environmental Volunteering program课程正在筹备中,敬请期待 重要日期 新生12月26日0:00之前申请注册课程免收$25注册费。 1/9/2022 0:00之前完成账号内付款免收late fee。 付款方式:https://www.carycs.org/payment.html 1. 学费支票付款:学费支票抬头写“Cary Chinese School”,备注:学生英文姓名和家庭账号。邮寄至学校邮箱: Cary Chinese School P.O. BOX 1542 Cary, NC 27512 2. 学费网上付款 :Zelle至学校账号: [email protected],备注家庭账户,学生姓名 3. 书费只能使用支票付款,支票抬头写: CCS Logistics Service) 或者通过后勤账号付款。 退款政策 1. 校内课的退课退款规定:
Spring Registration starts! Dear parents and students, CCS spring semester registration has officially started on 12/10/2021! All classes registered in the fall will be automatically registered to the spring semester. If the classes registered in your family account need to be switched, withdrawn, or new students want to register classes in the Spring, please send an email notification to [email protected]. Highlights of the spring semester: CCS table tennis group class recruiting new students! Time: 16 weeks; Saturday 1:30-3PM; 3:30-5PM; Sunday 4-5:30PM Cost: $320 Location: Impact Table Tennis Club, 1642 Old Apex Rd, Cary, NC 27513 Coach: Xiao Aiping; Assistant coaches will be in place if more than eight students in the class. Van Star Arts One-on-one art class recruiting new students ! https://www.carycs.org/fanxing-art.html Newly added 3D Modeling 3D printing class, Chinese recitation class, specific time and arrangement will be announced separately. Debate class and Environmental Volunteering program are under preparation, so stay tuned! Important dates: 1. New students who apply for registration before 0:00 on December 26 will be exempted from the $25 registration fee 2. No late fee will be charged for payments made in the account before 1/9/2022 0:00. Payment methods (https://www.carycs.org/payment.html) 1. Pay by check Tuition checks should be made payable to "Cary Chinese School", write down student's full name and Family Account ID on the check memo line. You can send one check for multiple students in the same Family Account ID. Mail to school mailbox: Cary Chinese School P.O. BOX 1542 Cary, NC 27512 2. Online tuition payment: Zelle to school account: : [email protected], lways write down student's full name and Family Account ID in payment memo before sending payment. You can send one payment for multiple students in the same Family Account ID. 3. For book payment, Zelle is not accepted. Pay by check (payable to CCS Logistics Service) or via Logistic Service Account Withdrawal and Refund https://www.carycs.org/enrollment-policy.html On-Site Class:
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