Setting up the coding environment Basic programming concepts: Sequences and commands
Creating basic command sequences Simple animations or actions on screen
Safety tips and drone handling basics Simple takeoff and landing exercises
Using control blocks in Blocky Executing a basic movement sequence
Building loops for repeated drone movements Experimenting with different loop counts
Programming the drone to draw shapes in the air Challenge: Create a square or circle flight pattern
Simple decision-making tasks with drone Programming conditional flight paths
Gathering and using sensor data in Blocky Simple projects: Altitude and obstacle detection |
Storing and modifying data in Blocky Applying variables in drone operations
Programming drone to navigate the course Group activity: Each student programs a part of the course
Troubleshooting common drone issues Developing problem-solving skills
Understanding Python syntax Writing a simple Python program
Basic Python commands for drone control Re-creating a Blocky program in Python
Complex flight patterns using Python Challenge: Python-based obstacle navigation
Creating sensor-responsive flight behaviors Team project: Design a sensor-based mission
Group discussions and feedback Celebrating achievements and discussing future coding adventures |
Program: |
Class LocatIon:Panther Creek High School
6770 McCrimmon Pkwy, Cary, NC 27519 |