Class 课程 Math Olympiad 2 - Algebra (Grades 6+) 奥数 2
Description 简介 CCS has 4 levels of Math Olympiad courses that are intended for middle school students. We follow the AoPS Curriculum and use the Introduction series textbooks: This course focuses on fundamental concepts of Algebra and related problem solving skills.
Pre Condition 要求 Grade 6-8 with the knowledge of pre-algebra 6-8年级
Student Material Requirement学生用品 Pencil, notebook, scratch/graph paper, and homework
Textbook 教材 Textbook: Introduction to Algebra by Richard Rusczyk
Curriculum 课程安排 I will be teaching from the Introduction to Algebra textbook. Depending on the pace of the students, I may skip chapters to cover the most important topics.