Weiqi (GO) class teaches basic and advanced Weiqi (GO) skills. The class covers topics in the starting stage, the mid-game fighting and the ending stage of the game. Students will learn from basic skills like how to capture stones, solve death and life problems etc. to advanced skills like judging situation on the whole board, complicated fights etc.. The children will enjoy the magic world of Weiqi (GO) in the class.
中国人发明的围棋不仅其乐无穷,而且在娱乐中有修心养性的作用。中文学校的围棋课旨在寓教于乐,重点培养孩子们对围棋的兴趣,提高围棋技能,教导注重礼仪,并且将围棋动漫融入课程以增加乐趣。这样让孩子们更有兴趣学习围棋。 围棋的第一课教的是棋品。开局时的互相问候,对局后的道别,我们学会了尊重。下棋过程中落子无悔,让孩子们懂得了担当。赢棋后的洋洋得意,输棋后的心灰意冷,这时是锻炼胜不骄败不馁最好时机。这些点点滴滴是在课本里学不到的,但在围棋班我们可以! 2015 Carolina Spring Go Tournament |
Program: |
Class LocatIon:Panther Creek High School
6770 McCrimmon Pkwy, Cary, NC 27519 |