2015 Carolina GO Spring Tournament
Cary Chinese School won the team competition in the 2015 Carolina Spring Go Tournament
The 12th annual tournament Carolina Spring Go Tournament, held in Raleigh on April 19th, co-organized by the Chinese American Friendship Association of North Carolina (CAFA), Confucius Institute at NC State, and the Cary Go Club, and attracted 28 Go players with a wide range of ages and Go experience but with an equal amount of love for Go.
Nine young players from Cary Chinese School’s Go classes, formed 3 teams to compete in the team competition. As expected, the team competition generated a lot of excitement, with young players eagerly reporting and checking the scoreboard during the breaks between rounds. CCS Team 1 of Alvin Chen, Alex Kuang and Ellen Zeng, and CCS Team 2 of Andy Chen, Jasmine Ye and Ethan Wan scored the same 9 wins (out of 12 games), thus tied as the winners of the team competition.
In the individual competition, Eric Zhang, 5d, of Chapel Hill, won the open section championship with a score of 3-1. Andrew Zalesak, 1d, of Cary High School, won Section A with a perfect score of 4-0, including an impressive win over a 3-dan player on a non-handicapped game with no komi. One of the youngest players, Ethan Wan of Cary Chinese School won Section D with a perfect score of 4-0. Alvin Chen won Section B with a score of 3-1 while Ellen Zeng and Alex Kuang tied for the first place finish in Section C with the same score of 3-1.
Team Competition winners (tied):
凯瑞中文学校获得2015北卡之春围棋锦标赛团体冠军, 张振 5段夺取个人冠军
一年一度的北卡之春围棋锦标赛于4月19日在北卡州立大学举行。该项比赛由北卡华人联谊会(CAFA), 北卡州立大学孔子学院,以及美国围棋协会分会---凯瑞围棋俱乐部 (Cary Go Club) 共同举办。这项已有12年历史的北卡之春围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。该项比赛对所有的围棋爱好者公开, 是整个北卡规模最大,水平最高的围棋公开赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。
团体比赛争夺的异常激烈,各队的比分一直咬的很紧。结果由Alvin Chen, Alex Kuang 和Ellen Zeng组成的凯瑞中文学校一队,和由Andy Chen, Jasmine Ye 和Ethan Wan组成的凯瑞中文学校二队在总共12局比赛中两队同积9分,并列夺取团体冠军。
个人比赛方面, 来自教堂山的张振5段以四战三胜的成绩夺得最高级别组 --- 公开组的冠军。
对围棋感兴趣的北卡朋友们,不妨参加北卡华人联谊会的围棋俱乐部- 凯瑞围棋俱乐部的活动,详情请见凯瑞围棋俱乐部的网站: http://www.carygo.org
The 12th annual tournament Carolina Spring Go Tournament, held in Raleigh on April 19th, co-organized by the Chinese American Friendship Association of North Carolina (CAFA), Confucius Institute at NC State, and the Cary Go Club, and attracted 28 Go players with a wide range of ages and Go experience but with an equal amount of love for Go.
Nine young players from Cary Chinese School’s Go classes, formed 3 teams to compete in the team competition. As expected, the team competition generated a lot of excitement, with young players eagerly reporting and checking the scoreboard during the breaks between rounds. CCS Team 1 of Alvin Chen, Alex Kuang and Ellen Zeng, and CCS Team 2 of Andy Chen, Jasmine Ye and Ethan Wan scored the same 9 wins (out of 12 games), thus tied as the winners of the team competition.
In the individual competition, Eric Zhang, 5d, of Chapel Hill, won the open section championship with a score of 3-1. Andrew Zalesak, 1d, of Cary High School, won Section A with a perfect score of 4-0, including an impressive win over a 3-dan player on a non-handicapped game with no komi. One of the youngest players, Ethan Wan of Cary Chinese School won Section D with a perfect score of 4-0. Alvin Chen won Section B with a score of 3-1 while Ellen Zeng and Alex Kuang tied for the first place finish in Section C with the same score of 3-1.
Team Competition winners (tied):
- Cary Chinese School Team 1: Alvin Chen, Alex Kuang and Ellen Zeng
- Cary Chinese School Team 2: Andy Chen, Jasmine Ye and Ethan Wan
凯瑞中文学校获得2015北卡之春围棋锦标赛团体冠军, 张振 5段夺取个人冠军
一年一度的北卡之春围棋锦标赛于4月19日在北卡州立大学举行。该项比赛由北卡华人联谊会(CAFA), 北卡州立大学孔子学院,以及美国围棋协会分会---凯瑞围棋俱乐部 (Cary Go Club) 共同举办。这项已有12年历史的北卡之春围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。该项比赛对所有的围棋爱好者公开, 是整个北卡规模最大,水平最高的围棋公开赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。
团体比赛争夺的异常激烈,各队的比分一直咬的很紧。结果由Alvin Chen, Alex Kuang 和Ellen Zeng组成的凯瑞中文学校一队,和由Andy Chen, Jasmine Ye 和Ethan Wan组成的凯瑞中文学校二队在总共12局比赛中两队同积9分,并列夺取团体冠军。
个人比赛方面, 来自教堂山的张振5段以四战三胜的成绩夺得最高级别组 --- 公开组的冠军。
- 来自凯瑞高中的Andrew Zalesak高中生以四战全胜的成绩获得A组(三级至二段组)冠军。
- 来自凯瑞中文学校的AlvinChen同学以四战三胜的成绩夺得B组(10级至4级)冠军。
- 来自凯瑞中文学校的Ellen Zeng 和 Alex Kuang同以四战三胜的成绩并列夺得C组(20级至11级)冠军。
- 来自凯瑞中文学校的 Ethan Wan以四战全胜的成绩获得-D组(30级至21级)冠军
对围棋感兴趣的北卡朋友们,不妨参加北卡华人联谊会的围棋俱乐部- 凯瑞围棋俱乐部的活动,详情请见凯瑞围棋俱乐部的网站: http://www.carygo.org