课程名称Course Name 丙烯绘画班 (基础班)Acrylic Painting (Beginner)
年龄Age 8+
课程介绍Course Intro This class will provide everything students need to know to build a solid foundation in using and manipulating acrylics. Every three to four weeks, students will be expected to learn a new technique and combine it with previously acquired skills to produce beautiful pieces of artwork.
Inspiration and knowledge will be drawn from a variety of places: acrylic renditions of master’s works, landscapes, still lifes, as well as the very imagination of the students themselves. A total of 10 complete paintings will be created over the span of two semesters encapsulating each of the skills taught.
We hope that, by the end of the year, students will feel confident not only following along to a guided acrylic lesson, but also choosing, devising, and creating their very own pieces with the skills they have acquired in this course.
Supplies provided: Paint, Brushes, Cups, Palettes, Canvases Supplies needed: Pencils, Erasers, Sketchpads, Earbuds (if you would like to listen to music) 老师:Isabel Chang 高三学生,擅长水彩、素描、彩铅、油画、丙烯,多次获得全国和州里金奖。 以下她的一些绘画作品: