Description简介 帮助年青人更好的理解电脑绘图与设计,如何从实现想法,到最初的图纸到整个可以触碰到的实物产品。课程当中会涉及到绘画,设计,电脑三维建模基本知识,模型创建,理解 3D 打印技术。 This class will provide a great overview of Blender 3.0, an extremely powerful (and also incredibly complicated) 3D modeling and animation program. During the class, we will focus on creating digital animals from scratch to high-definition models step by step. Meanwhile, students are also encouraged to be creative on their own projects. There is plenty of space for students to apply their imagination in their second projects (2nd half of the class).
Pre Condition要求 Grade 6+ 6 年级以上
Student Material Requirement 学生用品 A computer with minimum hardware. Preload Blender 3.0 or above version through the below link 纸张,画笔
Textbook 教材 N/A
Language in Class 课堂使用语言 Chinese 中文 Preliminary syllabus: (Subject to change based on progress and students levels) Week 1:Class and Software Introduction Week 2: Low Poly animal modeling -1 Week 3: Low Poly animal modeling -2 Week 4: Low Poly animal modeling -3 Week 5: High Poly animal modeling -1 Week 6: High Poly animal modeling -2 Week 7:High Poly animal modeling -3 Week 8:High Poly animal modeling - 4 Week 9:3D Printing Demo and High Poly animal modeling finish Week 10: Scene setup Week 11: Pre Render setup Week12: 3D model Render 1 Week13: 3D model Render 2 Week14: 3D model Render 3 Week15: Review Teacher 老师 Lu Wang
Teacher Introduction 老师简介 北卡州立艺术与设计学院毕业,从事产品设计 10+年,专注于手机小家电等产品的研发,及设计。 Lu Wang, Master of Industrial Design from NC State University Early in his career, he was involved in many electronic device design projects, and game developments. He is familiar with almost all kind of design software from 2D, 3D, to Commercialized.