Cary Chinese School (CCS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization that aims to promote Chinese language literacy and enrich cultural diversity within our community.
Cary Chinese School offers two types of Chinese language programs: ★ Chinese as a Heritage Language (CHL): For students who can speak fluent Chinese (Mandarin) natively, with two different curriculums to choose from: ZhongWen and MaLiPing. ★ Chinese as a Second Language (CSL): For children and adults who want to learn Chinese as a Second Language. In addition to language programs, CCS offers a variety of activity classes of cultural enrichment and sports for kids and adults: ★ Folk Dance ★ Arts and Crafts ★ Chinese Brush Painting ★ Chinese Calligraphy ★ SAT English ★ SAT Math and Creative Math ★ Math Olympiad ★ Chess ★ Go ★ Badmington ★ Tennis ★ Table Tennis ★ Youth Band ★ CCS Radio Show (Duke University's WXDU) ★ Dragon Boat Club (Adults Only) ★ Zumba ★ TaiChi ★ AP Chinese (Credit Accepted by Most Universities) Each year, CCS hosts four school-wide family events: ★ Halloween Parade ★ Academic Contests ★ Chinese New Year’s Gala ★ Sports Day and Summer Picnic CCS is run by a group of dedicated volunteers and supported by families and businesses within the local community. If you are interested in supporting CCS as a business sponsor or a volunteer, please contact [email protected]. CLASS HOURS: Saturdays 9:00am-1:00pm: ★ 9:00am-10:50am Language ★ 11:00am-11:50am Activity I ★ 12:00pm-12:50pm Activity II CLASS LOCATION: Panther Creek High School 6770 McCrimmon Parkway Cary, NC 27519 (Use the west student entrance near I-540 overpass) WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] MAILING ADDRESS: Cary Chinese School P.O. Box 1542, Cary, NC 27512-1542 |
凯瑞中文学校 (CCS) 是一所 501(c)3 非盈利教育机构,致力于弘扬中华文化,培养双语人才。学校提供汉语语言教育,文体课外活动,以及社区便民服务.
凯瑞中文学校提供两种不同的汉语语言教育: ★ 传承汉语 (CHL): 适用于汉语为母语或在家里有语言交流环境的学生,有两套教程可以选择:暨南中文或马力平中文. ★ 汉语为第二语言 (CSL): 适用于母语为非汉语的学生(包括成人),将汉语当作第二语言来学习。 凯瑞中文学校除了提供汉语语言教育之外,还有各种文体活动课供学生(包括成人)选择: ★ 民族舞蹈 ★ 绘画和手工 ★ 国画 ★ 书法 ★ SAT 英文 ★ SAT 数学和趣味数学 ★ 奥林匹克数学 ★ 国际象棋 ★ 围棋 ★ 羽毛球 ★ 网球 ★ 乒乓球 ★ 少年乐队 ★ CCS 广播节目 (杜克大学的 WXDU电台) ★ 龙舟队 (成人组) ★ 尊巴舞蹈健身 ★ 太极拳 ★ AP 中文(有大学学分) 每年,凯瑞中文学校举办四场全校的活动: ★ 万圣节游行 ★ 中文和绘画比赛 ★ 春节联合会 ★ 运动游园野餐会 凯瑞中文学校的日常运作离不开家长义工们的努力和付出,以及本地社区机构与商家的支持和赞助。欢迎更多热心家长参与到义工工作中来,欢迎商家赞助和支持学校。 如果您有兴趣加入义工团队,或者成为学校的赞助商,请联系[email protected]. |
Program: |
Class LocatIon:Panther Creek High School
6770 McCrimmon Pkwy, Cary, NC 27519 |