Panther Creek High School (PCHS) designates the north student parking lot to Cary Chinese School (CCS) while discouraging us to park in the south student parking lot.
Please follow the traffic route, ensuring smooth traffic flow and the safety of our children, parents and staff.
Please do not use the school main entrance - east side.
Panther Creek High School (PCHS)指定凯瑞中文学校使用北面的学生停车场,不推荐我们停在南面。
校园安全是保障我们学校一切教学活动正常进行的基础。学校公共安全部负责学校的安全工作,主要职能 是监督保证校园的安全。学校的安全,需要我们大家一起努力,才能实现维持。有两点非常重要:一是家长和 老师自身的安全意识和对学生的教育;二是在校学习期间,大家注意遵守规则,并相互提醒。如有任何紧急情 况,请尽快通知学校的职员或者打电话911报警。当前,保障校园行车行人交通安全是我们公共安全部的核心 工作。Panther Creek 高中指定凯瑞中文学校使用大楼西面的停车场,不推荐我们停在大楼东面。因此学校公共 安全部制定了周六早间交通路线,目的是减少交叉车流,顺畅交通,最大限度保证学生、家长、老师和职员的 安全。请大家严格遵从学校现场交通指挥员的指挥。
Safety and security on campus is very important to all of us. Safety and security is also a shared responsibility. It is expected that the students and families agree to take primary responsibility for their own safety and security, and to support the safety and security of each other at Cary Chinese School (CCS). CCS administration team works hard to ensure we have a safe and friendly environment. Please keep in mind, we are a group of volunteers and we are not law enforcement. So if you see emergencies, please inform our on-site staff or call 911. Currently safety of on-campus parking and traffic is the central work of our department. Panther Creek High School (PCHS) designates the west parking lot to CCS while discouraging us to park in the east parking lot. We design our Saturday morning traffic pattern to be compliant to that policy, ensuring smooth traffic flow and most importantly, safety to our students, parents and staff as we reduce cross-traffic as much as possible.