课程描述: 没有编码经验?没问题!在这门课程中,构建应用程序所需的只是计算机和手机(iOS or Android)或计算机上的Android模拟器,来代替编写代码,设计应用程序并构建块代码,以开发功能性应用程序。 本课程将通过手机应用程序开发来教授编程和计算计科学的基础知识。在本课程中,我们将提供实践学习体验,通过积极参与来培养学生的编程能力。在学习编程原理的同时,学生还将学习在手机上创建和部署应用程序所需的技能和知识。 Class Description: Have no prior coding experience? Not a problem! In this class, all you need to build an app is a computer and a mobile phone (iOS or Android) or Android emulator on the computer. In lieu of writing code, you will design apps and build block code to develop functional apps. This class will teach the fundamentals of programming and computational philosophy through mobile app development for mobile devices. In this class, we will provide a hands-on learning experience that builds the students’ programming capabilities through active participation. While learning the principles of programming, the students will also learn the skills and knowledge needed to create and deploy their apps on a mobile phone.
Prepare for the Class: (1) Students will bring a laptop with Chrome browser, and an iOS/Andriod device to the classroom. If no mobile device is available, please download and install an Android Emulator from Google. (2) Students will use an open source tool MIT App Inventor (sign in with a Google Account):
Teachers: Sarah Shaw, Ethan Yu, Cyndi Chen, Vivian Huang We are a group of skilled and dedicated high schoolers with a strong passion for programming and years of experience in coding with MIT App Inventor, Java, and Python. We have presented at the SAS Hall in North Carolina State University to an audience of over 300 and received positive feedback. We would like to share our passion for programming with students who may be interested in coding and developing apps. Through this course, we hope to get more students interested in STEM.
Adult Coaching Assistants: Yanli Gao, Jenny Wang, Judy Wang Each of us is a professional Sr. or Principal Software Engineer with around 20 years of programming experience each. We have been coaching the programming club that uses Mobile App Inventor, Java and Python for over a year.