Debate 辩论课
辩论初级 上课时间 周三晚上7点到8点(Zoom网课) 要求 适合5~8年级学生,要求英文流利。每班至少10名学生。 课程简介 辩论初级是一门网络课程,教授 10-14 岁的年轻学生用英文辩论和说服的基础知识。学生将学习如何结合情感诉求、逻辑和证据来表达自己的观点。在学习辩论的通用技能后,本课程的学生将练习“国会辩论”这种竞争性的辩论形式。国会辩论由 10 至 20 名参赛者组成,他们扮演真实的美国国会,辩论是否通过或否决一项法律提案。每位参赛者将发表演讲,支持正在辩论的法律提案通过或失败。其他参赛者在演讲结束后会向演讲者提问。当一轮辩论结束后,评委将根据选手的表现对选手进行排名。这门课程将结合讲座和实践的形式——学生将从老师那里学习辩论技巧,并通过与同龄人辩论来练习这些技能,不断改进。 作业 学生每周应花大约半小时(30 分钟)做作业。作业的范围包括学习词汇、观看视频或准备下节课的辩论。 比赛机会 除了参加辩论初级课程外,学生还有机会在专为中学生设计的真正国会辩论锦标赛中与来自全国各地的其他孩子竞争。本课程的学生可以参加以下三项比赛:
老师介绍 Claire Ding是北卡罗来纳州罗利市Enloe高中的二年级学生。作为Enloe演讲和辩论队的成员,她是一位经验丰富的国会辩手,曾在国家级高中辩论比赛中多次获奖。Claire认为辩论是一项有用的技能,她期待在 CCS 教授辩论技能。在空闲时间,克莱尔会和朋友们一起跑步、听音乐,并尝试解开《纽约时报》的最新谜题。 |
Course Name
Debate I Requirement 5th-8th grade students, proficient in English. Minimum 10 students in a class. Class Schedule Every Wednesday, from 7-8pm on Zoom Description Debate I is a virtual CCS activity class that will teach young students aged 10-14 the foundations of argumentation and persuasion in English. Students will learn how to articulate their viewpoints using a combination of emotional appeal, logic, and evidence. After learning the universal skills of debate, students in this class will learn a form of competitive debate called Congressional Debate. Congressional Debate consists of 10-20 competitors role-playing the real United States Congress as they debate whether to pass or fail laws. Each competitor will give a speech in favor of passing or failing the law being debated. Other competitors will question the speech giver when they have finished their speech. When the round of debate is over, the competitors will be ranked by judges based on how well they did. Classes will be a mix of lectures and practices—students will learn debate skills from the teacher, and practice those skills by debating against their peers. Homework Students are expected to spend about half an hour (30 minutes) on their homework each week. Homework assignments can range from studying vocabulary, watching a video, or preparing for a debate round next class. Competition Opportunities In addition to attending this Introduction to Debate class, students may also have the opportunity to compete against other kids from across the country in real Congressional Debate tournaments designed for middle school students. There are three tournaments that students enrolled in this class may be able to compete in.
Teacher Bio Claire Ding is a sophomore at Enloe High School in Raleigh, NC. As a member of Enloe’s Speech and Debate Team, she is an experienced Congressional Debater who has won many awards at national-level high school debate tournaments. Claire believes that debate is a useful skill, and she looks forward to teaching it at CCS. In her free time, Claire can be found on boba runs with her friends, listening to music, and trying to figure out the latest NYT Connections puzzle. |